Urban Hillsides Real Estate

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An Option Worth Exploring: TIC or Tenants in Common Zoom Webinar Tuesday, June 2, 6-7 PM

Should I consider buying a TIC?
Should I consider selling my property as a TIC?

Many people have questions about TIC or Tenants in Common properties. On June 2, we'll define, clarify and give context to this fairly recent real estate option available in Los Angeles. Established for many decades in San Francisco and New York, first-time buyers and mom-and-pop investors are seeing TIC real estate as a way to purchase and leverage real estate here.

Here are some questions that will be answered:
1. Condo or TIC? What's the difference?
2. Why are TIC prices typically lower than condos and single family homes?
3. Do TICs hold their value over time?
4. What are loan options for TIC?
5. What can I do in my TIC? Is there an HOA?
6. Am I the right buyer for a TIC?
7. What are my responsibilities as a TIC owner?
8. I own a multi-unit building. Does this make sense for me?

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